January 10-March 27, 2016
SEASON IS PROUD TO PRESENT hot car death dad a solo show of recent sculptures BY Seth David Friedman. Working in a variety of media, Seth creates objects which look as if they came out of a body, or are ready to go in one. THIS WILL BE his FIRST solo show with the gallery. OPENING RECEPTION IS SUNDAY january 10, 2-5PM AND THE SHOW CONTINUES TO march 27.
“And it is precisely when we are unsure of something that our curiosity is aroused, and that we then tend to regard it more closely, consider it more carefully, and in the end, experience it more intensely.”
Ralph Rugoff

Seth David Friedman, Untitled, 2015, plaster and silicone held together with a rubber band, 7.5 x 6 x 7 inches.